Hi friend,

Both Nietzsche and Kelly Clarkson were right about that. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, but have you ever stopped to think what strength really means?

When we think about the word 'strength' we usually think of something robust, big, unbreakable... We want our bodies and our minds to be strong because we associate that with better outcomes.

I'm here to challenge that.

You don't want your body to be strong.

You want your body to be ✨ RESILIENT ✨

"What doesn't kill you makes you RESILIENT." I like that better.

  • A resilient body is not a body that never gets sick, it's a body that fights back.

  • It isn't a body that doesn't break, but a body that recovers efficiently

  • A resilient mind isn't the one that never has negative thoughts, but one that copes and gets through them.

When we focus too much on being strong, the moment we are not that's where our weaknesses lay.

Resilient bodies are those that instead of reaching a tipping point, pivot.
They don't quit
They don't reach burnout
They simply pivot

As an NTP, the main thing I focus on with my clients is creating resiliency: I take a thorough look at their lifestyle and I create a plan they can follow, a resilient body is really what health is all about.

Here are some ways YOU can build resiliency within your body, << Test First Name >>:

  • 🧘‍♀️Rest: without it, our brains and bodies can't properly detoxify from free radicals. Free radicals are atoms that we produce every day and cause cell damage, eventually leading to a state of disease.

  • Play: when was the last time you took the time to play? Time invested doing something enjoyable without seeking any sort of outcome. If you can't remember, this is your cue to go out and PLAY this weekend!

  • ⛹🏽‍♀️Movement: to be resilient doesn't mean to lift super heavy weights at the gym, but it does mean that you get better at what you do little by little. Like not running out of breath when you take the stairs in your building, jogging for a few more minutes every time, or being able to keep up with lifting your ever-growing baby...

  • 🍲Healthy food: food is fuel and it can either heal you or make you ill. We can't cultivate resilience if we're not putting premium fuel into our machines.

It's really that simple! But not because it's simple, does it mean that it's easy.

If you feel like your body needs some guidance in cultivating resilience, you know I'm here for you!

On another note...

Here are the recommendations of the week:

  1. Beef Liver in capsules: I needed a multivitamin and I went ahead and purchased the most-nutrient dense food: BEEF LIVER! When you consume vitamins in their natural state, they are better absorbed by the body and thus more efficient. I recommend beef liver capsules to my clients frequently, especially when I see low energy or general hormonal issues.

  2. Daysy Fertility Tracker: I told you I was going to get you a discount code and here it is! Use this link to get $15 off a Daysy Fertility tracker to say adios to hormonal birth control!

  3. Get outside and play! I've got no link for this one ;)

    And that's it for today ! wishing you some TLC today and always,


The key to being happy, acne-free and never sick


Hormone Imbalances Do Exist, ugh